
TCP Window Scaling Part 1

TCP Window Scaling

This function is used to make the tcp transition more faster.
Ordinary, Window Flow Control has the size of window, from 0 to 65535 (byte).
That is caused by window size field of tcp header format.
Window scaling fileld of tcp header format make the window size increase by shifting the value of window size.
Window size is calculated as below.

Windows size : 65535 (0-65535)
Scale : 3 (0-14)

Window Size = "Window size" × 2^"Scale"
= 65535×2^3
= 524280

タグ:window scale TCP

Let me introduce about myself!

Hi, everyone!

I'm a computer network engineer setting up the network products and designinig the enterprise network.
I'd like to get the much number of knowledges of computer network. Those are deep knowledges about Internet Protocol such like TCP/IP, HTTP, DNS, ..and so on.
I keep to get knowledges through working or self learning every day. I decide to write down those knowledges on this blog. So I'll get more detail knowledges.
If I take some wrong understanding, I wish that you'll correct that .
